Photography by Andreas Øverland
- Oslo / London / Frankfurt

916 photos tagged with : landscape

Just before midnight, close to the arctic circle, the sun is about to touch the horizon before it rises again. My family and my brother's family stayed together on this spot on Tomma for a week or so. We had the best luck ever with the weather, and we could comfortably swim together with the midnight sun (swimming comfortably is rare any time of day/year in the arctic ocean).

At the very tip of the Lofoten islands in the North of Norway, there is a place called Å. It is a little village with lots of dried cod hanging in and around the place. The landscape is wild and wonderful. The sea is often rough, and the bare mountains rise straight up from the ocean with sharp jagged edges.

I had just gotten a new lens, the wonderfully sharp (and expensive) Leica 35mm Apo Summicron f/2.0, and the fog was settling in the forest behind our house. The lense is so incredibly sharp, and paired with the Leica M10 Monochrom, the resolution and detail in the photos are just mind blowing.