Photography by Andreas Øverland
- Oslo / London / Frankfurt

This is the Norwegian band Briskeby. Again, my friend Kristoffer and I was doing the shoot together. My dad knew someone working at this hotel with a great view of the sunset over Oslo and Akershus Festning. I was doing some shoots for a student magazine, and that's how I got to do this one. Kristoffer and I had been given the main suite. A really nice room with a fireplace, separate bedroom, a great balcony and a big living room. The staff even brought us coffee and something to eat during the shoot. The band was super happy with the shots, and said they wished they hadn't already done the cover shots for their upcoming CD/Album. A few months later, at a party, I met another Norwegian pop star, Mariann from Surferrosa. Her band was featured in the same edition of the magazine as Briskeby. I told her I had seen her in the paper, and complemented her on the cool pictures. Then she said "Well, I wish we had the photographer that took the pictures for Birskeby, they were really great!" What could I say! I tried saying something like "Well, actually I am that very photographer". But it came out as "YOU KNOW! AAMM DAT PHOGGRRPPHERRHAHHAHA". Seeing as I was quite drunk at the time, I didn't come across as truthful, and she said "Yeah right. Now please go somewhere else, I have to set up my DJ stuff here".. And so I walked away, with the best unintended complement ever for a set of photos :D

My father in law, Firi, or Tata, as most of us call him. I think this was the second time I met him. We were walking in the great Spessart forests in Bavaria, when we walked into a little natural tunnel, created by the foliage in the trees, that gave a wonderful soft yet directional portrait light. I asked him to stop and try to look sternly at me. He managed for about 1/100th of a second, which gave this photo.

This is one of my very favourite portraits of a stranger that I’ve shot so far. I shot it on one of my “Portrait Days” that I arranged in Oslo. That’s a thing I’d like to do more of. Anyway, this musician dropped by with his little guitar. I placed him in my favourite chair in the pub I had borrowed for the day. There is a big window to the right giving the soft light. In addition, I was trying out a couple of Leica lenses from the Leica store in Oslo. One of them was a silver 50mm f/1,4 Summilux and when I saw this photo I fell deelpy in love with it. Of course I ended up buying it.

This is the Norwegian band Briskeby. Again, my friend Kristoffer and I was doing the shoot together. My dad knew someone working at this hotel with a great view of the sunset over Oslo and Akershus Festning. I was doing some shoots for a student magazine, and that's how I got to do this one. Kristoffer and I had been given the main suite. A really nice room with a fireplace, separate bedroom, a great balcony and a big living room. The staff even brought us coffee and something to eat during the shoot. The band was super happy with the shots, and said they wished they hadn't already done the cover shots for their upcoming CD/Album. A few months later, at a party, I met another Norwegian pop star, Mariann from Surferrosa. Her band was featured in the same edition of the magazine as Briskeby. I told her I had seen her in the paper, and complemented her on the cool pictures. Then she said "Well, I wish we had the photographer that took the pictures for Birskeby, they were really great!" What could I say! I tried saying something like "Well, actually I am that very photographer". But it came out as "YOU KNOW! AAMM DAT PHOGGRRPPHERRHAHHAHA". Seeing as I was quite drunk at the time, I didn't come across as truthful, and she said "Yeah right. Now please go somewhere else, I have to set up my DJ stuff here".. And so I walked away, with the best unintended complement ever for a set of photos :D

My friend Kristoffer and I some how managed to be anointed "all access photographers" for a large festival in Oslo. Unlike "regular" photographer that can only take photos of the bands from in front of the stage, we could walk on the stage during the concerts, backstage and really all over the place. We hade a great time and got a few good photos. The person in the photo is Sivert Høyem, vocalist in one of my favourite bands Madrugada

My friend Kristoffer and I some how managed to be anointed "all access photographers" for a large festival in Oslo. Unlike "regular" photographer that can only take photos of the bands from in front of the stage, we could walk on the stage during the concerts, backstage and really all over the place. We hade a great time and got a few good photos.

My brother christian and I had a project for time where we would try to create some cool mafia-themed photos. This one actually recently got used for a book cover. Check it the final look on Amazon

This guy looks like Gary Oldman as the vampire. Shot in a hotel in Trondheim, when I took some time of work to be a photographer full time.

Lone was my colleague/boss & friend for many years when I worked as an it consultant. This was the first portrait I shot with a Leica. The equipment was borrowed from another colleague of ours. The light is from a window showing an overcast sky.